If you will encounter some issues on your back office, you can just simply create a support ticket but allow them to solve it within 24 hours.
I've been reported for some time now and somehow so far, they are doing their best to solve every tickets that they needed to fix or any of our concerns.
Step 1. Login to your USI-TECH account. (if you still don't have an account, you may want to Sign Up now!)
Step 2. At the Dashboard Home menu, click on Help Center. (you will be taken to a new tab USI-TECH Support)
Step 3. Click on + New support ticket.
Step 4. Fill in all required info's.
- Your email address
- Subject - Put the subject of your concern.
- Your Partner ID# - Put your ID here the one you can find on your Dashboard right at the very bottom.
- Description - specify the details of your concern.
- Attach a file (optional)
Step 5. Click on SUBMIT.
You will receive an email from USI-TECH to notify you that they are aware of your concern and solve the problem within 24 hours.
And please be patient and let the support do their job.